College Rules is a porn site dedicated to the wild sex lives of college students, where supposedly, the sex videos are submitted by the horny fans of the site. At College Rules, anything goes and members get to enjoy everything and anything that happens at college parties and behind sorority doors. The babes there are gorgeous and wild as they come, as they play out some pretty hot sex scenes with girlfriends and sorority sisters.
College Rules is one of Bang Bros hot sites but is completely independent of the main network, and the content found it is significantly different from that of the main network as well. Whether or not the videos are truly submitted by viewers, who knows, but the explicit XXX action is incredible and is sure to get your cock rock hard, so who cares whether or not they are homemade sex tapes or shot by professional cameras. For the hottest college porn you’ll ever see, join right away, and you will even save 26% with a College Rules discount, for a dirt-cheap membership!