While it might be painfully obvious why free porn is the best, not everyone likes to make the moment count with it. I have a buddy who swears it never does enough for him, but I just think he’s not giving the effort that he should be.
Porn that doesn’t cost you a thing always has the motivation that you need and knowing when to make the most of it usually makes all the difference. I’m someone who always makes an effort to get what I want and when I do I’m not going to let it get away without me giving it my all.
Part of the problem is we have loads of ways to find porn for free but only a few ways to really enjoy it. I think this makes it easy for us to just take what we can get without really reaching the limit of what might be on offer. You need to be ready to put your best foot forward and when you do there’s every chance to make a good thing even better. That’s how I’ve managed to be on top so much and if it works for me I think it can also work for you.